All the Fun of the Fair

 Now available from the Tefr Patreon Shop

The first of the Comor Rath campaign scenarios. It contains maps and details needed for a short scenario set during the Annual Festival or Erdir in which the Player Characters find themselves in a wild goose chase about the town trying to track down a number of religiously significant items that have been stolen before an important ceremony that needs to take place at the end of the festival.

All the Fun of the Fair offers a simple premise and is designed for both players and new Game Masters to familiarize themselves with the Tefr system and start to explore the town and its characters that act as a focal point for the events that unfold during the Comor Rath campaign.


All the fun of the fair has been created as an accompaniment to the Erdir Pack, but can still be run without it. 

All the Fun of the Fair Contains:

Map of the Town during the festival

Floor plans for the Dog and Dukkit Inn

Festival Itinery

Details of establishments and relevant to the scenario

Character sheets for personalities the may be encountered

Stats for a ‘one off’ Storm Drake.

all for just $5

Get All the Fun of the Fair from the Patreon Shop here.

It is worth noting that advance previews and WIPs are also being posted on the GMs’ membership pages for those that want to see and have input on their development, as well as have access to this and the other Tefr books and resources.

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